Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sick Sick Sick...

Every year a new round of viruses hits me. I have been sick. It's been awful. We know how we feel, when we are coughing in front of crowds. Really cold never come at a good time. I tried anything to get better faster. But antibiotics won’t work for viruses. Over the counter I tried with the cough and cold remedies. I remembered my mom applying Vicks as a cough remedy. I tried with that as well and I ate vitamin tablets and drank lots of hot water. However it’s not working on my part. Again, my friend Yanzom, gave me the herbal remedy brought from Himanchal… uffs any of it didn’t work… Today we attended orientation on Science Curriculum. It was a embracing day for me to attend  the orientation as I was coughing, never the less I attended the orientation which provided me with lots of wisdom, strategy, knowledge and so on.. Thank you DCRD members for your information. Which are very much useful and helpful to us…
However I look cute like a girl in a picture... when I am sick... :)

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